Hiking Info
Choose from an option below to learn more about the hiking trails at Adams Farm.
Trail Map
Adams Farm provides more than 10 miles of wooded nature trails accessible to visitors of all ages. Download a map today and start exploring the new path to tranquility!
Getting There
Adams Farm is located at 999 North Street in Walpole, not far from Route 109. The main entrance features a visitor kiosk with useful information such as trail maps, event information, and wildlife education. Ample parking is available for automobiles.
Please note: No motorized vehicles of any kind are permitted on interior Farm trails.
Please note: No motorized vehicles of any kind are permitted on interior Farm trails.
Carry Out What You Carry In
Please help us keep the Farm in its natural state for all visitors. There are limited trash facilities and we need your help to leave the Farm as you found it.
Motorized Vehicle Users
Please be advised that Adams Farm is under Walpole law enforcement jurisdiction. Unauthorized motor vehicle users are subject to up to a $250 fine.
Lyme Disease Caution
Like many New England forest areas, Adams Farm is home to a significant white-tailed deer population. These beautiful animals carry and sustain the presence of the tiny, disease-transmitting Deer Tick. Most abundant in Spring, Summer and Fall, the deer tick lives low in bushes and grasses and may be as small as the head of a pin.
We recommend you inspect your dog(s) after every visit for hitchhiking pests.
Click the link below for information on tick bite and disease prevention from the Centers for Disease Control.
We recommend you inspect your dog(s) after every visit for hitchhiking pests.
Click the link below for information on tick bite and disease prevention from the Centers for Disease Control.