For a great one-hour hilly hike at the Farm, try the Orange Trail. Follow the main Blue Trail from the parking lot and look for #103 on the left soon after you enter the woods. This marks the beginning of the Orange Trail.

At first the trail runs parallel to the field behind the volleyball courts, then winds through the woods, heading downhill and then uphill again, crossing the remains of an old stone wall.

Pines, maples and oaks line the trail which soon heads down a short, steep and rocky slope, followed by a root-strewn uphill clamber and then a sweeping downhill curve. The winding, rocky path gradually climbs, only to head downhill again into a grove of pine trees.

The trail skirts the backyards of several houses on the left and eventually turns right to reenter the woods. About 10 minutes later the trail forks at #121. Turn left to stay on the Orange Trail and after passing a few more houses, turn right at #122, the next fork in the trail.

Shortly after that the Orange Trail crosses another trail marked in red dots on the trail map. Take a sharp right, going behind the tree with the #142 on it to stay on the Orange Trail. A fallen tree suspended horizontally (photo) soon appears on the right and the trail levels out with low bushes on either side.

At #132 turn right to stay on the Orange Trail. You’ll pass a large boulder on the left and a tree with a large growth on its trunk on the right.

A few minutes later you’ll enter a small glade ringed by pine trees and you’re just steps away from the final downhill stretch of the trail leading back to the Blue Trail at #104. Turn right onto the Blue Trail and follow it back to the parking lot.
Total hiking time: 1 hour
Distance: 2.25 miles
Difficulty: moderate